Free of charge to patients whose GP is in the area, these schemes are NHS funded by local CCG agreements for the benefit of the public.
PEARS: Primary Eye Acute Referral Scheme:
In order to reduce the burden on secondary care services and improve access to professional eye care, participating optometrists can see patients of all ages free of charge for an assessment of recent onset eye problems not relating to spectacle prescriptions. If onward referral into the hospital ophthalmology departments is required, this can be done directly without the need to see your GP.
Cataract Referral Refinement Scheme:
If you have a cataract requiring intervention, participating optometrists are able to directly refer you into hospital ophthalmology departments without the need for GP visits.
Post Cataract Scheme:
If you have had a cataract operation and are suitable for follow up in the community, this can be done at your local participating opticians to avoid numerous trips to the hospital.
Glaucoma Referral Refinement Scheme:
If you have had an eye test and the optometrist has found raised intra-ocular pressure, participating optometrists are able to see you back on another day to see if the pressure is still raised (requiring onward referral into the hospital) or whether it has returned to normal levels.
Ocular Hypertension Monitoring Scheme:
If you have been diagnosed with ocular hypertension, this could be monitored at your local opticians rather than at the hospital. Speak to your hospital consultant for further information.